women laughing together in a field of tulips

Keeping Aussie women connected, no matter how wide you roam


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What is sheilaa?

If you’re an Australian woman living overseas, home can feel very far away. No matter how long you’ve been gone, those moments of missing home can be tough to shake.

sheilaa stands for Supporting Her Everywhere: Interlinked Aussies Abroad. This community was built to provide support to Aussie women living abroad and let them know they’re not alone. At sheilaa, we do this by:

  • Offering practical advice on how to overcome homesickness (and the constant dilemma of “should I stay or should I go?”)

  • Providing tips and resources to help you thrive in your new home

  • Connecting Aussie women based on location and interests to help them build a support network

We hope you’ll find this community useful! Get started by exploring our resources below:


  • aussie woman abroad with family


    Tips, how-to guides, and inspiring stories to help you feel settled and thrive in your new life abroad.

  • newsletter for australian women abroad


    Stay in the loop with monthly updates on news, events, meetups, and resources to help Aussie expats find their feet.

  • aussie women abroad having drinks


    COMING SOON: Join our community to stay connected with other Australian women living abroad.

aussie woman abroad admiring view


8 Cures to Combat Homesickness


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Going back and forth about whether to stay or go? Our workbook covers all the questions you need to ask yourself in order to make the right decision.

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    should i stay or should i go workbook